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Team Matchups
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Click on the link above to see how teams compare to one another. The matchup page is in excel format so you can keep it for your personal use. I will update it every day. Copy the projected win pct for the two teams, and the formula will give you a percentage for the higher ranked team's chances of winning the game. Once you get that percentage look down the chart to see what the corresponding money line might be. This projected win percentage is based on the pythagorean theory using runs scored and runs allowed. It will give you an idea what teams are playing over their heads or getting ready to play better.

Once you download the spreadsheet, just look at the projected win pct.on the far left ,and copy and paste the two teams you would like to compare. This pct. doesn't include starting pichers, but it will give you an idea of the better team.
****The numbers on the spreadsheet are last years final numbers. The new numbers will be updated once the season gets going.
Spreadsheet Example
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